Name: Ritesh Modi
Designation: Principal
Company: Tires modi and Associates
Topic of Talk: Securing and Auditing Smart Contracts
About the Talk:
Smart contracts are the workhorse for transmitting and changing ownership of assets on blockchain. Smart contracts help in executing transactions that moves ether from one account to another. It is therefore logical that it is one of the most attacked destination by hackers on blockchain. Almost 8 out of 10 smart contracts have security loopholes that can be easily cracked. In this session, we will cover some real life example of smart contract security and also how to fix them to avoid security lapses. Solid hands on examples showing DAO attack, denial of service attacks and other attacks like overflow and reentrance attacks will be covered as part of session.
About the Speaker:
Ritesh is an ex-Microsoft Architect and Senior Evangelist. He is Cloud and DevOps SME, published author, speaker, and a known leader for his contributions towards Datacenter, Azure, Bots, Blockchain, Cognitive services, DevOps, Artificial Intelligence and automation. He is the author of multiple books. Authored five books including Solidity Programming Essentials and currently writing another book on Solidity Design Patterns. He is well known in Communities and Developer circle for his though leadership and contributions.