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Raveendra Babu Madala

    Name: Raveendra Babu Madala

    Designation: Technical Staff

    Company: Dell India R&D Center

    Topic of Talk: Update Management strategies for a Data Center

    About the Talk:
    As more and more services are being hosted, Data Center management is complex. As Agile methodologies are being adopted across the spectrum, updates are needed for various elements in a Data Center. These updates affect the uptime and availability. In this talk, strategies will be highlighted to improve the availability of Data Center. Especially, the practices that are to be followed for hosting applications that need to be highly available and to maintain the quality of service.

    About the Speaker:
    Raveendra is a Technical Staff in Dell India R&D Center architecting the products and solutions in the Change Management domain of Systems Management. Raveendra has 21+years of experience in software development and design. Raveendra is part of various 1.0 product development in his career. Prior to Dell, Raveendra worked at Adobe India R&D Center for 13+ years and 1 year at Computer Vision R&D Center (now part of Parametric Technology Corporation). Re-architecting products for better manageability and extensibility is one of the expertise area for Raveendra. He is passionate about community service by engaging in various activities at his village.

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