Tony Wasserman
Software and Strategy Advisor
About Talk
Organizational Adoption and Governance of Open Source Software
1) Evolution of organizational use of open source
2) Impact of commercial OSS on adoption
20 Oct 2023 | Time: 11:45 to 12:15
About Speaker
Anthony I. (Tony) Wasserman has divided his career between academia and industry. He is Principal of Software Methods and Tools, which provides consulting services and executive coaching to software companies. He was previously a Professor in the Software Management program at Carnegie Mellon University – Silicon Valley, teaching courses on software product definition, software product strategy, open source software, and more.
Earlier, Tony was founder and CEO of Interactive Development Environments (IDE), creator of the innovative Software through Pictures development platform, and one of the first 100 dot-coms. Tony then led an early mobile app development team at Bluestone Software, and held executive positions at several startups.
He is a Fellow of the IEEE, the ACM, and IFIP, honored for his contributions to integrated software engineering environments. His professional service includes roles in organizing many technical conferences, most recently serving as Program Chair for the Software Product Management Summit 2023 North America. He served two terms as a Director of the Open Source Initiative (2012-2016). He was a co-founder and first elected Chair of ACM’s SIG on Software Engineering (SIGSOFT).
Tony has published nearly 100 reviewed papers and edited 13 books. He currently serves as an Advisor at UC Berkeley’s SkyDeck accelerator. Tony has a Ph.D. in computer sciences from University of Wisconsin – Madison and a B.A. in mathematics and physics from the University of California, Berkeley.
He has had the good fortune to travel to more than 75 countries, and posts many of his photos on Flickr. This is his 6th time speaking at Open Source India.