Nandakumar Edamana
Software Architect | Epixel Solutions Pvt Ltd
About Talk
Code Generation: How the Lazy Becomes the Prolific
TRACK: Developers' Meet
30 Sep 2022 | Time: 12:15 to 12:45
About Speaker
Nandakumar Edamana is a professional software architect, trainer and technology writer. While his passion and personal projects are around compilers and programming languages, he is professionally involved in scalable web applications and fancy technologies like Docker. He is experienced in GNU/Linux system administration also.
Although all of that sounds technical, most of his time so far was spent on educating the general public about software freedom, privacy and security. He has written articles in international, national and regional periodicals including Open Source For You (published by EFY Group) and Info Kairali (an established computer magazine in Malayalam).